Friday, July 18, 2014

Hi & Assalamualaikum everyone !

 This time, I want to share about my FRIENDS. I have a lot of friends. I'm very thankful because all my friends are very open-minded, supportive, loving, caring, and loyal. when talk about friend, I accept anyone who want to be my friend with a big heart. as long as they know how to appreciate people, and they know what is the meaning of friendship. For me, it is very important for each of us to have this consciousness.

Started in kindergarten, I do have a bestfriend, named Siti Nor Aisyah Binti Diris. we're  still contact until now. She live at the same village with me, and her home is nearby to mine. She is very introverted, yet very loving and  loyal.  I remembered, when we were in primary school. Everyday, we will walk together to go to the school and back home. During racess time, we will go to a one port, and enjoy our meals. There are many memories that I want to share with you all, my readers, but I'm sure that it will never end because it was so many. my childhood time become meaningful with her presence.

Next, I proceed with my loves in secondary school. I learn many things during this time. ups and downs. I have my own "gang". We were 13 in a group. Aisyah, Hadirah, Nadzira, Anne, Nurjana, Hazar, Hasnill, Shaererina, Solehah, Fatihah, Umi, and Azie. We share many things, do many things together. We come  from different region of Sabah. We share and learn each other's jargon, and it was excited. we were too close until the discipline teacher ask us to separate and split, because someone reported to the teacher that we were not be friends with others. it was tragic, but we got our own plan. We just pretend that our "gang" was split, in fact, we still with it "Mix Team~Yaks Tekaya". 3 years we together in the same school, and all the memories  will never be replaced forever. Even now we were separated because of our own journey in this life, No one can replaced "Mix Team" in my heart. They are the BEST among the rest !

Lastly, my friends in the university Nurfatin Zalikha and Syakirah Afifah. I met many different people. different personality, state, behavior, attitude, understanding, and thought. Its hard for me to understand, need a little effort. but these two girls are awesome. We were being friends unintentionally. I got some problems and I go to them to crying, share my feelings. Then, we started to be close. During free time, if we are bored, we will dance, and sing out loud together. We will be crazy together. I do LOVE them. I learnt many things from them. all the memories, happiness, sorrowness, everything, I'll keep it whatever happen. I am so thankful to have them  here. ADIOS !

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Reflection week 5

The presenter was presented about the importance of healthy food and cleanliness. These two things are significantly related to our life. Based on the studies on the Japan people,  take care about these things, and it will make our life longer without any  disease. Next was about plastic surgery. Zarwani shown top 5 of the worst plastic surgery. It really makes me realized that we must accept and appreciate everything that we have. If we are over-acting with beauty, sometimes it may hurt you or getting even worst then your naturality. Another presentation that I interested in was déjà vu. It is usually happens among teenagers from 15-20 year-old.  Next was about the Titanic tragedy. The moral value from that incident is we must prepare everything before we do something because anything can happen during the time. The most interesting title is water birth. We can consider to giving birth in the water at home, hospital, or birth centre. The benefit of water birth. Breath when the skin feel the air. Why women should choose it? It will give us relaxation, shorter labor, privacy and control, buoyancy, coping with pain, and better use of gravity. after I heard this, I really think, I want to give birth in the water. that's my wish if I get married soon. alright! that's all for today. goodbye lovelies!

Reflection Week 4

On Monday, the individual presentation for prezi was started. Ms. Amreet asked any volunteers to come forward and present. I’m not ready at that time because I didn’t work on any practise. So, I felt a little nervous. There were many of my classmates want to present. First presentation was about “The Secret Of Orthosiphon Stamimeus”.  Also known as “Misai Kucing”. Before this, I thought that “Misai Kucing” is just being used in tea preparation. Actually, it has many benefits and very useful for chronic and critical  diseases. It was very helpful for me because my grandfather and grandmother are having chronic diseases, so, maybe I could  suggest them to try this kind of traditional treatment. The next presentation was about music. I quiet interested with this because I am the music lover. And yes! Music can influence our emotion. Next was about  the skin, type of skin, how to take care  any different type of skin. It also give me lots of information.

            While, on Wednesday, still with the presentation. The topic that have been presented by Anis aimi attracted me. She talk about lipstick. Since I really love to apply lipstick when I go out. I always have a problem when the lipstick is not long lasting. Anis had help me how to make the lipstick long-lasting, she showed the technique. Next was the presentation about tears. The benefits of  tears are dealing with sorrow, lifting mood, stress release, and eye watering. Eye watering means that the tears can protect our eyes from irritants and foreign bodies, such as dust or getting rid of the acidic fumes when cutting onions. Then, the topic about bucket list.  It is important for us to have our own bucket list, so that in this life, we will have the spirit and encouragement to achieve what we want. I’ve decided to do my presentation on that day. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach, but I try to handle it because when I think deeply, better I do it, or else my work will be piled. So, I proceed with my presention and it went well. 

My Soul, My Spirit, and My Everything.


I belong to a middle class family. My family is not that big, and  not that rich. To me, my family really means everything in the world. My parents and siblings are those  who can always turn to help and affection.  I do love them so much. There are five members in my family.  My mother, father, mother, me, and 2 younger  brothers. My father’s name is Mr. Nor Rahem Bin Mohd Jani and my mom is Mrs. Aspalela Binti Abdullah.

When talk about family, I am very excited to tell about my family members’ character because for me, they are unique with their own style. My papa, it’s hard to understand him. Sometimes, he can be a joker, a motivator, and a best friend ever. The most important thing, he is a person who full with surprises. I remembered when the moment my 18th  birthday, he pretend didn’t  remember anything. He came back late from work,  just let me have my dinner all alone at home. He didn’t say anything. Suddenly, he came back home around 12:45 am, brought a cheese cake and a present (not neatly wrapped gift). I was very touched because he said that he rushed to buy the present after work, and wrapped it himself. I can see the “rush”. Everything that given by my love one, has its own sentimental value deep in my heart.

My mom, she is very open-minded, caring (for sure). We can share anything with her, our personal problem, love story, anything. She do not show us her love directly. Until at a point, I feel that she doesn’t  love me. But it was when I’m still kiddo, now, when I think deeply, it is the way she loves her children. She don’t want us being pampered. She doesn’t always said she loves us, but we can feel it through her action.

My first brother Rizal, he is hot-tempered. Do not make him upset, or else he will scold you. It’s hard to make him laugh, but he is very sensitive and pamper when it comes to her girlfriend.  My second and last brother, Niezam. He is very independent, friendly,  polite and hardworking. He has a strong personality,  he can get along with people. I think, that’s all about my loves of life. And I believe, everyone has their own story about their family, which is unique in their own style. 

Will Always Be Me

My name is Norizatul Shahira Binti Nor Rahem. but I'd like to be called as Ira. I'm the first child and the only girl among my 2 brothers in my nuclear family. I was born on 26 March 1995, in Selangor. Which means I am 19 years old now. I have been living and studying in Sabah since I am 4 years old until 13 years old. In primary school, I studied at S.K Pengalat Besar, papar. My secondary school when I was in form 1 was at S.M.A Islamiah Pantai Manis. Then, after finished form 1,  I moved to Selangor because of some family problem and lived together with my father. I went to S.M.A Pulau Tawar, Jerantut, Pahang until form 5. 

After SPM, I worked at one of the factory near my home, just want to fill my free time since I am waiting for UPU result for my application to enter the  University. Instead of lying on the bed, watching television, sleep along  day and night, why not I work, at least, I’ll get money and experiences. It was worth it. When I get my payment, deep inside my heart, I can feel the satisfaction. Oh! It just can’t be expressed by words.

After 3 months work, I got an offer to further my study in Sultan Idris Education University. I accept the offer and now  I am studying Diploma in English in semester 4. I’ve met many people, from many places, many characters, many attitudes, many things that have teach me what is life about. And honestly, it’s quite hard for me to adapt everything, but time has make it easier. Anything comes, I’ll let it go with the wind.                       

More about myself, there are many things in our life that I like and dislike. I like when everything is OK!  Being happy is one way of being wise. How can I get the happiness? I’m happy when people around me shows positive action. Instead of live my life as a student,  I do have hobbies to share during  my free time. Where these hobbies also help me to improve my english. During free time, I love to watch film, listen to music. What genre of film? for sure, fantasy, and romantic. For music, I really love to listen English song that can give me spirit, hopes, and strength to face everything in this life. I found the moments of joy and pleasure when I listen to the music, sing out loud and dance alone. Lastly, for a brief description about my life, it is awesome! one principle that I hold in my life is don't wish for success, but work for it! 

Reflection Week 3

Monday, Ms. Amreet started taught us on how to create, and organize a blog. In the first class, she only managed to give a brief lecture as an introduction of blogging. It was because  there were wifi connection problem, that she cannot show us the demonstration to make us clearer on how to create a blog. After finished,  Ms. Amreet continued the class with the approval on the topic for our prezi presentation. She asked student who didn’t see her to approve the topic to come and show her the outline. I am one of my classmates that didn’t get her approval because my topic that I’ve shown her  before was quite mundane, El-Nino Phenomenone. So now, I’ve chose two different topic “high heels” and “yoga”. Finally, after she have a look at my outline, she interested with “high heels”. And she asked me to find another title so that it will be more catchy. I’m done with the approval. Then, I started to find as many information on my topic until the class dismissed.

         In the second class, Wednesday, Ms. Amreet show and explained to us about all the assessment that we will complete for this course, blog. Honestly, I felt a bit stress, it looks like too hard for me, because I don’t know more about  this field. I lost my spirit, I do not know whether  I can do it or not. Ms. Amreet started to show us on how to create our own account. After that, I start create my own account. Since I am not good enough in this field, I got difficulties to use the blog. How to edit everything, change the background, how to download templates, and how to manage everything in blog. Some of my friends got problem to create the blog, so Ms. Amreet was busy, I asked my friend who already has blog account. Then, I managed to create and explore my blog. I started to change my profile picture, background, and started to do the task given. The essay of myself, my family, my friends,6 different essays, and reflection.  

ReflectionWeek 2

Monday class, Ms. Amreet asked us to show the outline about our topic. Last week, she give us the first task where we need to find a topic to be presented using prezi presentation. She told us that we need to get her approval because she doesn't  want our presentation become mundane and boring. At that time, I didn’t try to find any topic, because I didn’t  have any idea what topic to choose. I just play around, chit-chat with friends, and log-in my social network. I just let the time passed by. Some of my friends already got the approval from Ms. Amreet. 

Wednesday, Ms. Amreet do a simple workshop on prezi as she knows that we’ve learnt  prezi in semester 2. I admit that I’ve forgot a little bit on how to use it. Thankfully, Ms. Amreet was willing to teach us. She briefly taught us on how to create a prezi account, explain all the features, and basic thing on how to use this field of presentation. She asked us to do so, so that at the same time, we can refresh our memory. Unluckily, there was no wifi connection in that lab, so I cannot access to the internet to do the hands on practice. Since we studied prezi in semester 2, I forgot few things about it, i do want to refresh my memory, but because of the connection error, I can’t do so. It made me a bit upset. So, all I can do was just focus on what Ms. Amreet was explaining in front of the class. 

After finished, Ms. Amreet continued the class by telling us to show the outline  for prezi presentation. At that moment, I was lost, actually, I didn’t do anything.  I even didn’t find any topic for my presentation. My other classmates were busy showing their outline. I was like empty, don’t know what should I do because I can do nothing without wifi connection. How am I going to find the informations ?  I went to my friends who already get the approval and take a look at their outline. I thought the outline should be detailed, apparently, she just want to see the subtopic. My other friends had took many interesting topic, while I didn’t have any. Then, I decided to sit alone on my chair, take a deep breath and started think about my topic. After few minutes, I got the idea, I want to talk about El-Nino Phenomenone. Then, I list down any points that across in my head. After that, I come in front and show her my outline, but she rejected because the topic was mundane. She asked me to find another few topics, so that she can choose which one is better. In conclusion, I realized that I can’t procrastinate my work anymore, or else I’ll be just like that, lost. The moral value is do not procrastinate your assignment

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

First Week

      First week for the new semester, Monday, It was my first class with Ms. Amreet Kaur A/P Jageer Singh. She introduced herself, talk about the assessment that we will do along this course, and give her details (office location, phone number, and email). After that, she asked us to tell her about our opinion on what we want from this course, and what the outcomes in learning this course. At that moment, I was like, what I want from this course? Actually, what is this course all about ? One thing that I am very sure, this course is about technology, internet, ICT, and social network. When it comes to my turn to tell about my hope and expectation from this course, I said that I hope this course will enhance my ability in writing, and  improve my skill in IT, since I’m not that good in this field. After everyone finished, we were asked to introduce ourselves. As usual, I told my name, nickname, and  my hometown. An hour class was dismissed after me and all my classmates done with our familiarization session.

            The next class for this week was on Wednesday, Ms. Amreet started explain to us about the contents of instructional plan. Firstly, I was happy because she said that there is no final exam for this subject. but in the middle of the briefing session, I was very shocked, pressure, and  stressed because of the assessment. It was hard for me. Plus, when I look at the assessment, I got  no idea about that since I am left behind in this field, but I try to calm down and talk to my friend how am  I going to complete all the assessment while I know nothing. My two friends said that they will help me as much as they can. Then, I felt a little relieve.  Lastly, Ms. Amreet said that if there is any change, she will inform us time-to-time.