Thursday, September 18, 2014


  Hello lovelies ! Well, we meet again !

  I am very excited to share with all of you. This week was the presentation of our final project for this course. our Digital Story telling "Sister Swap" . In this project,we decided to use anime as our major platform because we want to try something new. In semester 2, we've been produced a movie. so, the presentation was started with Syahira's group with title 'I am perfect'. It is about self acceptance. I taught us that we have to accept ourselves. Never care about what other's saying, because you'll not hppy with that life. Just be yourself ! One more thing to share, I am impressed with their production, the angle taken, the sound, and the music background. Good job girls !

 While, second group was Amina's group with title ' Anna's petite journal'. From what I understand, this digital story telling is about students life. What Anna do as a student. She sleep, wake up, go to lecture class, eat, revise, do assignments ans sleep again.  Next group is my group. Honestly, we were nervous because we  brought a very different type of digital story telling, We were afraid that it would not be accepted. Thankfully, after finished our presentation, Ms, Amreet did not comment negatively. It was a relief for us. Thank you Ms. Amreet! There were another group that will present their final project. Meet you next week !

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