Friday, September 19, 2014


Assalamualaikum and hello my readers !

   So, this week is our last week of lecture. And the last three groups present their final project digital story telling. The presentation was started with Grace's group. Their movie's title is 'I'm longing for you'. From my bottom heart, I am very touched because the movie was about how a person keep her promise. The characters in the movie did a very good job! Even a few of the actors was not from our course, but for me, they role the movie excellently.  Congratulation! Next group is Farah's group eith their movie entitled 'The clever mother'. This movie is full with moral value where the most significant value the can be seen was we should not steal anything that not belong to us. The actor's character attracted me and I'm very enjoy this movie. Well done Girls ! While, for Yana's group, Their movie was a bit different, the title is enough to make us wondering, 'The miracle pf Alturism' . This movie is suitable for motivational purposes. What I learned from this movie? I learned that always make everyone around us to be happy. We should not being selfish. Another one good movie from them. Keep it up ! Last but not least, Jasmine's group with their movie entitled 'Wishing star'. This movie is about two persons, from different family, have the same look but different character. Where, one day, they  bumped coincidently. They decide to switch their life because one of them did not satisfy with her life. This movie thought me that we should accept what we had in this life because everything that we had now , have their own reasons. I love the way the role the movie. Nice !  Well done ! It can be improved more. So, we've finished presentation of our final project. Yippie ! I'm so glad.

It's the time to hear Ms. Amreet's last words and compliments about the whole fourteen weeks we attend thos course. She said that she was glad that she got us as her students. and she said that our performance during the whole lecture was better than others. From me, I have nothing much to say, Ms. Amreet had run the responsibility well. I've learned many things in this course. Thank you for all the lessons, for all the knowledge. Thank you for being the most sporting lecturer. It's my pleasure to have you as my lecturer! Hope to see you in the future.  I love you and I will miss you .

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