Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Reflection week 7

     This week, Ms. Amreet began the class with the personal  style for writing in multimedia. The uses of LINGO. Lingo is an short-form such as LOL and emoticons, such as J.
It is appropriate to use it for messaging or chatting, but inappropriate for web writing, for example blog post as it is considered as assignment (academic purposes). Next, definitely do not use swear words and do not being gender bias,  you use they/their. One of the most important thing to pay attention is grammar rules. Never end a sentence  with preposition. Example: where are you from?. Typing full for assignments. Do not use short-form. 
Example: Sally & I went to the movies.
                 Mom baked a cake for Jeff & me.

       Also, be careful with malaproprisms (same pronunciation with different meaning). Example: effect vs affect.  Last but not least, make sure use the correct punctuation. Make sure recheck these things  before sending assignment.  

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