Friday, August 8, 2014

On Monday, I came late because I was over-slept. I was very shocked, when I come into the class, I can see there were only 8 person in the class. Many of them went back to their hometown on Wednesday last week, and continued their holiday because Tuesday was public holiday. Plus, on Monday, all the class was off and only got this 1 hour class. The class proceed with the presentation. One of the presenter talk about how to detect liar.  I realized that we are all liars. When others ask us about our condition, we often say that we are okay, but in fact, we’re not. That was the most significant situation where we always lying. What I get from this presentation is I can detect a liar by watch for any gestures they make towards their face, check the hands and arms gestures, check the eyes, and check for strange behavior. I think, this can help me to handle those people.  On Wednesday, Ms. Amreet remind us about all the deadline for all aou assignment. She showed  us about some of the platform that can be used for designing interactive resume. Then, about how to submit our url in the wikispaces. After that, she talk about the content for web advertisement and homepages task. Lastly, about the digital story telling. When everything done, the class was dismissed. 

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