Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Reflection week 8

       On Monday, Ms. Amreet asked us to find and explore any appropriate and inappropriate websites, three respectively and find out why you stated that it is appropriate or vice versa. After all found the website, Ms. Amreet asked anyone to tell the class about our findings and discuss it together with everyone. First, penny juice, it is inappropriate because

       On Wednesday, Ms. Amreet asked us to sit in our group and discuss about our digital story-telling. Me and my group members started our discussion among group members about the appropriate field or site that can be used to produce our digital story-telling. It was quite hard to find site that really can support the needs for our story. After considered few of sites, then, we decided to use scratch.com. Then, we proceed with the storyline, characters, characteristics, and also the script. Ms. Amreet asked the group leader to come in front and show the group progress.  

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